Account management
- 1001: Create account — Creates a new entity/user account in the Rubiq database with fields specified in a contract between the calling application and the Rubiq platform. A unique Rubiq entity ID is automatically assigned to the new entity, and optionally a key with an external type.
- 1002: Get account data — Retrieves data for an entity/account. The returned data will always contain the Rubiq entity ID and optionally a key with an external type. In addition, the payload contains the data specified in the contract between the calling application and the Rubiq API.
- 1003: Update account data — Validates that the data complies with possible rules and performs the update if it does. Only the data provided in the payload is updated. The calling application must have permission to update accounts.
- 1004: Remove account — Deletes an entity/account. The calling application must have permission to delete accounts.
- 1005: Create child — Creates a new entity/account as a child of another entity in the Rubiq database, with fields specified in a contract between the calling application and the Rubiq API. The parent-child relationship between the entities must be previously established in Rubiq Cloud.
- 1006: Enumerate children — Retrieves all the children for an entity/account. The returned data will always contain the Rubiq entity ID and optionally a key with an external type for each of the children. In addition, the payload may optionally contain the data for each child as specified in the contract between the calling application and the Rubiq API.
- 1007: Connect to track — Connects an entity/account to a track
- 1008: Disconnect from track — Disconnects an entity/account from a track. The connection between the entity and the track is not removed, but the state is changed to "disconnected".
- 1009: Enumerate tracks — Retrieves an enumeration of all the tracks an account is connected to.
- 1010: Determine track connection — Determines if an account is connected to a track
- 1011: Search — Searches the entire Rubiq database for accounts which match a given search string.
- 1050: Evaluate loyalty scheme — Evaluates a loyalty scheme for an entity
- 1012: Create changed since session — Begin a search session to find all Rubiq entities that have been modified since a given date, and return the session token identifier.
- 1013: Get changed since — Return entities for a search session specified by a token identifier.
- 1020: Create account with children — Creates a new user entity and child entities in a single request. This endpoint is a combination of endpoints 1001: Create account and 1005: Create child.
Account authentication
- 2001: Authenticate — Authenticates an entity by checking whether, for example, the submitted username and password matches the data in the database, or a specific account on a social media is registered in the database.
- 2002: Change password — Updates password of an entity after first having verified that the old password is correct and matches entity
- 2003: Trigger “Forgotten password” service — Initiates communication flow when a user has forgotten their password. What specifically happens must first be configured in Rubiq Cloud.
- 2004: Verify account — Activates an entity/account, when the contract specifies that all new entities must be verified before they can be used.
- 2005: Request onetime-password — Requests that the API generate a onetime-password to be emailed to an entity email address. The password can then be used to authenticate using authType: onetime, with endpoint 2001: Authenticate.
Social connections
- 3001: Get social connections — Returns information about all the social media that a given entity is connected to.
- 3003: Add social connection — Connects an account with a specific social media.
- 3004: Remove social connection — Removes the connection between an account and a social media.
- 3002: Get social connection — Returns information about a specific connection between a given account and a social media.
Mobile devices
- 4001: Register mobile device — Registers a mobile device to an entity. Registration may optionally contain information about the device token for dispatch of push messages. This end point should be called once every time the mobile app is started.
- 4002: Sign out mobile device — Turn off push messaging for a device until it is registered again
- 4003: Get device — Fetches the mobile device details. For iOS, this will only ever be the device id. For other device types (Android, WindowsPhone, Windows8 and BlackBerry), the current "push" status is also included, indicating whether push communications may be sent to this device.
- 5001: Register a transaction — Stores information about a transaction made by a person. A transaction may for instance be some kind of action, a purchase, redemption of a coupon or a transaction on a points account or cash account
- 5002: Has transaction — Returns a boolean value indicating whether a transaction has been logged for the user with a specific group and type - optionally filtered by time period.
- 5003: Sum transactions — Returns a sum total of the transactions for a user in a specific transaction group, optionally filtered by transaction type and time period.
- 5004: Enumerate transactions — Retrieves transactions that have been logged for the user with a specific group - optionally filtered by type and time period, with "paging" options (limit and offset)
Miscellaneous services
- 6001: Lookup city from zip code — Returns the correct city name based on country code and zip code
- 6010: Parse phone number — Validate phone number and return valid phone number country code, country dial code and number type
- 6011: Format phone number — Validate phone number and return the correctly formatted valid number in the requested format
- 6012: Format phone number for out of country calling — Validate phone number and return the correctly formatted valid number ready to be called from a given country.
- 6013: Get phone number description — Validate phone number and return the localized country name that the number is from
- 6100: Generate access token — Generates a unique new token string, which may subsequently be used as a generic access token for a limit time.
- 7001: Get messages — Retrieves all available push communication messages for an account.
- 7002: Get message — Retrieves a specific push communication message for an account.
- 7003: Set message status — Marks the read status for a specific message.
- 7004: Delete message — Removes a specific message from the list of displayed messages.
- 8001: Submit form data — Submit form data for a user
- 8002: Get form data — Retrieves the previously submitted form data
- 8005: Enumerate forms — Retrieve a list of all currently active forms available to an account
- 8006: Enumerate fields — Retrieve a list of fields for a form
- 9001: Create content — Add tagged content to the system. The content must be published using endpoint 9003: Publish content before it can be accessed.
- 9003: Publish content — Publish content, making it available to be used in search results.
- 9005: Public content search — Search for publicly available content
- 9006: Enumerate tags — Fetch a list of all tags
- 9002: Connect entity — Connect an entity to content. Once content has been connected to at least one entity, it is considered "private", and can only be accessed by entities that have been connected to it.
- 9004: Private content search — Search for content available to a specific entity. The result may also include public content.
- 9007: Remove content — Remove a tagged content item. Individual content items may be removed from the system, when they can be uniquely matched on tags and data.
- 9002: Connect multiple entities — Connect an array of entities to content.
- 9008: Reconnect entities — Replace the currently connected entities with a new array of entities. All previous connections will be removed for the content and the new array of entities connected instead.
- 9100: Create media — Add a media file to the dialogportal™ Media Archive.
- 9101: Update media — Update a media file in the dialogportal™ Media Archive.
- 9200: Get document — Retrieves document for an account.
- 9201: Get documents — Retrieves documents for an account.
- 9202: Add document — Created a new document for an account.
- 9203: Remove document — Removes a document for an account.
- 9204: Move documents — Move documents for an account to another account.
- 9205: Update document — Update a document for an account. This endpoint may also be used to move a document to another entity, by setting the moveToEntityID property.
Terms and Permissions
- 2100: Get terms — Fetch terms
- 2101: Get terms version — Fetch details for a specific terms version
- 2103: Get entity terms acceptance status — Fetch all sets of terms which the entity has accepted
- 2102: Accept terms — Accept a set of terms for an entity
- 2104: Withdraw terms acceptance — Withdraw an entities acceptance of a set of terms
- 2105: Accept permission — Accept a permission for an entity
- 2106: Get entity permission acceptance status — Fetch all permissions the entity has given
- 2107: Withdraw permission — Withdraw a permission for an entity
- 2108: Get changes — Get a list of entities whose permissions have changed.
- 2109: Update change cursor — Update the position of a change cursor
- 2111: Get terms version text
- 2113: Get terms version file
- 2114: Download terms version file
- 2120: Get data requests — Fetch all data requests for an entity
- 2121: Submit data request — Submit a new data request for an entity
- 2122: Close data request — Close a data request for an entity, completing all incomplete actions
- 2123: Complete data request action — Complete a data request action for an entity request
- 2110: Update terms acceptance — Update the permissions/consents for a terms acceptance
- 2200 Register participant — Register a participant in instant win
Entity Preferences
- 2300: Get preferences — Fetch preference details
- 2305: Get preference groups — Fetch preference group details
- 2310: Get preference opt-in status — Fetch entity preference subscription details for all preferences
- 2311: Get individual preference opt-in status — Fetch entity preference subscription details for a single preference
- 2312: Get preference group opt-in status — Fetch entity preference subscription details for all preferences in a group
- 2315: Opt-in to preference — Update entity preference subscription status: Opt-in
- 2316: Opt-out of preference — Update entity preference subscription status: Opt-out
- 2317: Update entity preferences for group — Update entity preference subscription status for all preferences in a group
- 2318: Update specific entity preferences — Update entity preference subscription status for given preferences
Lead management
- 1100: Create lead — Creates a new Lead entity. The leadSourceID and all fields are configured within the Rubiq Lead Management app.
- 1101: Get lead source fields — Returns the required and optional fields used in Lead creation.
- 9400: Get active lottery — Returns the currently active lottery. If no lottery is currently active, a 404 response is returned.
- 9402: Create reservation — Reserve a package of lottery numbers for a limited time.
- 9403: Cancel reservation — Cancel a reservation of lottery numbers, making them available to others to purchase.
- 9404: Pre-approve reservation — Pre-approve a reservation of lottery numbers, extending the reservation expiry time and preparing the reserved numbers for purchase.
- 9405: Approve reservation — Approve a reservation of lottery numbers. The reservation is marked as approved and a purchase is initiated with a 3rd-party payment provider.
- 9406: Approve payment — Register the completed payment and complete the purchase.
- 9407: Discard payment — Register a cancelled or discarded purchase of a lottery number reservation.
- 9401: Get upcoming lottery — Returns the next lottery which will become active in the future. If no upcoming lottery exists, a 404 response is returned.
- 1200: Trigger scheduled policy — Initializes a Housekeeping policy
- 1201: Trigger policy for selection — Initializes a Housekeeping policy for an entity selection
, multiple selections available,
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