Account management
dialogportal™ REST API contains a number of end points to manage user accounts. The following end points are available:
1001: Create account
Creates a new entity/user account in the Rubiq database with fields specified in a contract between the calling application and the Rubiq platform. A unique Rubiq entity ID is automatically assigned to the new entity, and optionally a key with an external type.
1002: Get account data
Retrieves data for an entity/account. The returned data will always contain the Rubiq entity ID and optionally a key with an external type. In addition, the payload contains the data specified in the contract between the calling application and the Rubiq API.
1003: Update account data
Validates that the data complies with possible rules and performs the update if it does. Only the data provided in the payload is updated. The calling application must have permission to update accounts.
1004: Remove account
Deletes an entity/account. The calling application must have permission to delete accounts.
1005: Create child
Creates a new entity/account as a child of another entity in the Rubiq database, with fields specified in a contract between the calling application and the Rubiq API. The parent-child relationship between the entities must be previously established in Rubiq Cloud.
1006: Enumerate children
Retrieves all the children for an entity/account. The returned data will always contain the Rubiq entity ID and optionally a key with an external type for each of the children. In addition, the payload may optionally contain the data for each child as specified in the contract between the calling application and the Rubiq API.
1007: Connect to track
Connects an entity/account to a track
1008: Disconnect from track
Disconnects an entity/account from a track. The connection between the entity and the track is not removed, but the state is changed to "disconnected".
1009: Enumerate tracks
Retrieves an enumeration of all the tracks an account is connected to.
1010: Determine track connection
Determines if an account is connected to a track
1011: Search
Searches the entire Rubiq database for accounts which match a given search string.
1012: Create changed since session
Begin a search session to find all Rubiq entities that have been modified since a given date, and return the session token identifier.
1013: Get changed since
Return entities for a search session specified by a token identifier.
1020: Create account with children
Creates a new user entity and child entities in a single request. This endpoint is a combination of endpoints 1001: Create account and 1005: Create child.
1050: Evaluate loyalty scheme
Evaluates a loyalty scheme for an entity