9101: Update media
9101: Update media
Update a media file in the dialogportal™ Media Archive.
Media file content
and description
properties are updateable. The fileName
and folderPath
are used to uniquely identify the media file.
Endpoint ID: | 9101 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Method: | PUT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
URL: | /content/media | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Request body: | JSON data with information about the media to be updated.
Example: Update a single pixel image { "fileName": "clear_1x1.gif", "folderPath": "assets/generic_images/small", "content": "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==", "description" : "This is a media description.", "contentType": "image/gif" } | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response body: | None | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Status codes: | 204 | Media updated successfully | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
400.1 | Content type not recognized | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
400.2 | Media files may not be larger than 2MB | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
400.3 | Content type mismatch | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
404.4 | Media file not found | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
404.5 | Folder not found |
, multiple selections available,