2108: Get changes

2108: Get changes

Get a list of entities whose permissions have changed.

This endpoint uses a cursor to implement paging of results. The first request (with autoCreateCursor=true) creates the cursor, and subsequent requests move the cursor and return the next batch of results. The response property more will be true until there are no more results in the cursor, at which time it will return false.

Endpoint ID:2108




entityTypeThe numeric type of the entities to check for permission changes

cursorNameThe name of the cursor, used to identify this batch of requests for paging results.


Optional maximum number of entityIDs to return.

Default (and maximum): 500


Optional boolean value to specify whether a new cursor should be created if cursorName doesn't already exist. When set to false, a 404 will be returned if cursorName does not exist.

Default: false

Request body:None

Response body:

    "entities": [ 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 ],
    "lastChangeID": 98765,
    "more": false
Status codes:200OK

404Cursor not found