4001: Register mobile device

4001: Register mobile device

Registers a mobile device to an entity. Registration may optionally contain information about the device token for dispatch of push messages. This end point should be called once every time the mobile app is started.

Endpoint ID:4001




Rubiq entity ID that uniquely identifies an account to register mobile device with


External key that uniquely identifies an account to register mobile device with


Type of external key

Request body:

JSON data with information about type of mobile device and optionally information about the device token for dispatch of push messages. Setting device ID will enable push messaging to the device.

Required fields


 Must be one of: “iOS”, “Android”, "WindowsPhone", "Windows8" or "BlackBerry"

Optional fields


Setting the “push” value to either true or false will turn push messaging on or off, but only if a device id has been previously registered. This field is ignored for iOS devices, where push notifications are not managed by the app.

Example 1 – Register an iOS device but without push
	"deviceType": "iOS"
Example 2 – Register an iOS device with push
	"deviceType": "iOS",
	"deviceID": "671c6845e85b4873596fcee5da2f1bc25b2d038a710c12bf992"
Example 3 – Register an Android device with push
	"deviceType": "Android",
	"deviceID": "671c6845e85b4873596fcee5da2f1bc25b2d038a710c12bf992"
Example 4 – Turn off push messaging for an Android device
	"deviceType": "Android",
	"deviceID": "671c6845e85b4873596fcee5da2f1bc25b2d038a710c12bf992",
	"push": false

Response body:

JSON data with information about the newly registered mobile device

Example 1 – iOS device was just successfully registered:
	"deviceID": "671c6845e85b4873596fcee5da2f1bc25b2d038a710c12bf992",
	"deviceType": "iOS"
Example 2 – Android device was just successfully registered:
	"deviceID": "671c6845e85b4873596fcee5da2f1bc25b2d038a710c12bf992",
	"deviceType": "Android",
	"push": true
Example 3 – Android device was just successfully registered without device id (no push messaging):
	"deviceType": "Android",
	"push": false
Example 4 – iOS device was just successfully registered without device id (no push messaging):
	"deviceType": "iOS"
Status codes:201

Mobile device was registered successfully


Mobile device is already registered for the calling app and the specified account

This response will not have a response body, but will instead contain a Location header, referring to endpoint 4003: Get device which returns the relevant response body.


Account was not found

The following sub codes may be returned:

404.1User not found
404.2External user could not be found