2104: Withdraw terms acceptance

2104: Withdraw terms acceptance

Withdraw an entities acceptance of a set of terms

Endpoint ID:2104






Rubiq master ID that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-keyExternal key that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-typeType of external key

termsIDA GUID string identifier for the terms
Request body:

JSON data describing the terms withdrawal

Required fields
 sourceIDThe GUID string identifier of the withdrawal source

reasonA reason for the withdrawal
    "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239",
    "reason": "Abc"

Response body:


Status codes:204Entity permission was withdrawn


The entity or terms were not found.

The following sub codes may be returned:

404.1Entity not found
404.2External entity reference could not be found
404.4Terms not found
404.6Source not found


The contract does not allow access to these terms, or allow this withdrawal source

412.1The terms are not allowed
412.3The source is not allowed

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