2105: Accept permission

2105: Accept permission

Accept a permission for an entity

Endpoint ID:2105






Rubiq master ID that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-keyExternal key that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-typeType of external key

permissionIDA GUID string identifier for the permission
Request body:

JSON data containing the permission acceptance

Required fields

sourceIDThe GUID string identifier of the acceptance source
Optional fields

termsIDThe GUID string identifier of the terms this permission is being accepted for. When a termsID is included, then this endpoint is only used to accept a permission for an existing terms acceptance.

dataCustom context data
    "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239",
    "termsID": "8f87ade0-c5a2-4031-89b9-33c923c4588e",
    "data": {
        "resellerID": 123456,
        "resellerName": "Jane Doe"

Response body:

    "isActive": true,
    "isWithdrawn": false,
    "permissionID": "ff11961d-8ae7-4508-aed7-867220a89668",
    "acceptance": {
        "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
        "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239"
Status codes:201The permission was accepted

303This permission has already been accepted by this entity


The permission could not be accepted, because it is inactive, or due to an invalid sourceID.

The following subcodes may be returned:

400.2Permission not active
400.3Source not active


The entity or permission were not found.

The following subcodes may be returned:

404.1Entity not found
404.2External entity reference could not be found
404.5Permission not found
404.6Source not found


The contract does not allow access to this permission, or allow this acceptance source

412.2The permission is not allowed
412.3The source is not allowed

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