2110: Update terms acceptance

2110: Update terms acceptance

Update the permissions/consents for a terms acceptance

Endpoint ID:2110






dialogportal™ master key that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-keyExternal key that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-typeType of external key

termsIDA GUID string identifier for the terms

Request body:

JSON data describing updated terms consents

Required fields

sourceIDThe GUID string identifier of the acceptance/withdrawal source

consentsAn array of consentIDs which represent which terms consents have been accepted. Any previously accepted terms consents not included in this list are withdrawn, and any previously not accepted terms consents which are in the list are accepted.

withdrawReasonIf any previously accepted consents are not included in consents and are therefore withdrawn, this withdrawReason will be recorded for the withdrawn consent.

    "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239",
    "consents": [ "5d9d6071-2158-40f4-b1b7-c101bffc518e" ],
    "withdrawReason": "Abc"
Response body:


Status codes:204Terms consents were updated


Terms consents could not be updated.

The following subcodes may be returned:

400.3Source not active


The entity or terms were not found.

The following subcodes may be returned:

404.1Entity not found
404.2External entity reference could not be found
404.4Terms not found
404.6Source not found


The contract or terms do not allow access:

412.1The terms are not allowed for this contract
412.3The source is not allowed for this contract
412.6The entity type is not allowed for this terms version

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