9100: Create media

9100: Create media

Add a media file to the dialogportal™ Media Archive.

The Media Archive provides a public repository for media files. Currently the allowed file type are:

File typecontentType
Imageimage/gif, image/jpeg etc.
Javascripttext/javascript, application/x-javascript or text/plain with .js fileName
Stylesheettext/css or text/plain with .css fileName
Fontapplication/x-font-ttf, application/x-font-woff, application/vnd.ms-fontobject
Iconimage/x-icon, image/vnd.microsoft.icon
HTCtext/x-component or text/plain with .htc fileName

Media in the archive is contained in a folder structure, and file and folder names are unique within their respective folders.

When attempting to create a media file with a name that already exists in the folder, the autoName field is used to determine the correct action. When autoName is omitted or set to false, a 303 response will be returned including a location header containing the URL to the existing media file. When autoName is true, the file will be created with an auto-incremented "index" appended to the file name, "file_1.txt", "file_2.txt" etc.

To add new folders simply include them in your folderPath. Folders that do not already exist will be created.

Endpoint ID:





Request body:

JSON data with information about the media to be created.

Required fields:


The content, formatted as a base64 encoded text string.

 contentTypeThe content mime-type, i.e. "image/gif" or "text/plain".


A file name or title for the media item.

Optional fields:

A folder path to the media file. This path is not the entire URL (which also contains the customer name, fileName etc.) but simply a "/"-delimited string of folder names.


A description that will be displayed in dialogportal™


A boolean value indicating that fileName should be renamed if a media file already exists with the same name. fileName will be renamed with a trailing "_{index}" (before the file extension, if it exists). The index will be the next valid index, starting from "_1", so multiple files named "file.txt" will be created as "file.txt", "file_1.txt", "file_2.txt" etc.

The default value is false.

Example: Create a single pixel image
   "contentType": "image/gif",
   "fileName": "clear 1x1.gif",
   "folderPath": "Assets/Generic Images/Small",
   "autoName" : true

Response body:

A JSON object containing the url to the newly created content.

  "url": "https://media.dialogportal.com/customer_name/assets/generic_images/small/clear_1x1.gif"

The URL format is:

Base URLhttps://media.dialogportal.com/
Customer name
Folder path
File nameclear_1x1.gif

The fileName and folderPath have been sanitized, making them safe to use in a URL.

Status codes:


Media created successfully.


A media file with this name already exists in the folder.

The response includes a location header containing the URL to the existing media file.

 400.1Content type not recognized
 400.2Media files may not be larger than 2MB

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