7001: Get messages
7001: Get messages
Retrieves all available push communication messages for an account.
Endpoint ID: | 7001 | |||||||||||||||||
Method: | GET | |||||||||||||||||
URL: | /communication/push/entity/id/{entity-id}?onlyHeaders=true /communication/push/entity/ext-key/{ext-key}/{ext-type}?onlyHeaders=false | |||||||||||||||||
entity-id | Rubiq entity ID that uniquely identifies the account to retrieve the message for | |||||||||||||||||
ext-key | External key that uniquely identifies the account to retrieve the message for | |||||||||||||||||
ext-type | Type of external key | |||||||||||||||||
onlyHeaders | Optional: boolean to specify whether only message headers should be retrieved. Default is false. | |||||||||||||||||
Request body: | None | |||||||||||||||||
Response body: | JSON data containing the push communication details of all available messages for the account. Example 1 – Two available push communication messages with title, link and type [ { "messageID": 23930553, "creationDate": "2014-01-08T17:17:04", "title": "R3JlYXQgbmV3cyBEYXZlIQ==", "message": "DQo8aHRtbD48aGVhZD48L2hlYWQ+PGJvZHk+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=", "link": "http://www.google.com?id=123456789", "type": "BreakingNews", "readStatus": true, "activityID": 12345 }, { "messageID": 23930181, "creationDate": "2013-12-18T16:47:38", "title": "U2Vhc29uJ3MgZ3JlZXRpbmdz", "message": "DQo8aHRtbD48aGVhZD48L2hlYWQ+PGJvZHk+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=", "link": "http://www.google.com?id=123456789", "type": "Standard", "readStatus": false, "activityID": 12346 } ] Example 2 - There are no push communication messages available for the account [ ] The possible response body fields are:
* Use of the "link" and "type" properties should be decided between the app developer and the content producer | |||||||||||||||||
Status codes: | 200 | Message retrieved successfully | ||||||||||||||||
404 | Account was not found The following sub codes may be returned:
, multiple selections available,