7001: Get messages

7001: Get messages

Retrieves all available push communication messages for an account.


Endpoint ID:7001




Rubiq entity ID that uniquely identifies the account to retrieve the message for


External key that uniquely identifies the account to retrieve the message for 


Type of external key

onlyHeadersOptional: boolean to specify whether only message headers should be retrieved. Default is false.
Request body:


Response body:

JSON data containing the push communication details of all available messages for the account.

Example 1 – Two available push communication messages with title, link and type
        "messageID": 23930553,
        "creationDate": "2014-01-08T17:17:04",
        "title": "R3JlYXQgbmV3cyBEYXZlIQ==",
        "message": "DQo8aHRtbD48aGVhZD48L2hlYWQ+PGJvZHk+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=",
        "link": "http://www.google.com?id=123456789",
        "type": "BreakingNews",
        "readStatus": true,
		"activityID": 12345
        "messageID": 23930181,
        "creationDate": "2013-12-18T16:47:38",
        "title": "U2Vhc29uJ3MgZ3JlZXRpbmdz",
        "message": "DQo8aHRtbD48aGVhZD48L2hlYWQ+PGJvZHk+PC9ib2R5PjwvaHRtbD4=",
        "link": "http://www.google.com?id=123456789",
        "type": "Standard",
        "readStatus": false,
		"activityID": 12346
Example 2 - There are no push communication messages available for the account
 [ ]

The possible response body fields are:

messageIDID of the message that was retrieved
creationDateThe date and time that the message was created
titleA base64 encoded title for the message
messageThe base64 encoded message. The decoded message can be plain text or html, depending on the message design.
linkA URL. This may be an external internet address, or an internal link to be used within an app. *
typeThe message type - either "Standard" or "BreakingNews". *
readStatusWhether the message has been marked as read
activityIDID of the activity that sent the push notification.

* Use of the "link" and "type" properties should be decided between the app developer and the content producer

Status codes:200

Message retrieved successfully


Account was not found

The following sub codes may be returned:

404.1User not found
404.2External user could not be found