6012: Format phone number for out of country calling

6012: Format phone number for out of country calling

Validate phone number and return the correctly formatted valid number ready to be called from a given country.
Endpoint ID:6012



Phone number to be formatted.

Valid examples

  • +4529254029
  • 29254029 (valid only if country code is specified)
 region Desired country code in which the number to be formatted.

Optional value to identify country of phoneNumber.


Optional value to identify countryCode format.

Valid values are

  • ISO2 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – two letter country codes)
  • ISO3 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 – three letter country codes)
  • ISON (ISO 3166-1 numeric – three digit country codes)
  • Internet (top level domain names on web)
  • Rubiq (internal RubiqSoft format)
Request body:None

Response body:

JSON data with information of formatted phone number 


Example – Format +4529254029 for US
   "phoneNumber": "011 45 29 25 40 29"


Status codes:200

Phone number is formatted successfully.


The following sub codes may be returned:


400.1Invalid phone number.
400.2Phone number must be in E164 format if country code is not specified.
400.3Invalid country code format.
400.4 Invalid country code.
400.5Invalid region.

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