5003: Sum transactions

5003: Sum transactions

Returns a sum total of the transactions for a user in a specific transaction group, optionally filtered by transaction type and time period.

Endpoint ID:5003




Rubiq entity ID that uniquely identifies the account to sum transactions for


External key that uniquely identifies the account to sum transactions for


Type of external key


Numeric value identifying the transaction group to include in the sum. This ID is documented in the contract between dialogportal™ and the application

transaction-type-idOptional numeric value identifying the transaction types to include in the sum. This ID is documented in the contract between dialogportal™ and the application

from-dateOptional date value limiting the search to only include transactions after this date in the sum. The date must be in UTC and formatted as "yyyymmddZ", for example "20140321Z" (21 March 2014).

to-dateOptional date value limiting the search to only include transactions before this date in the sum. The date must be in UTC and formatted as "yyyymmddZ", for example "20140321Z" (21 March 2014).
Request body:None

Response body:

Decimal sum of the selected transaction values.

Status codes:200

Transaction sum value calculated with success


Account, transaction group or transaction type was not found

The following sub codes may be returned:

404.1User not found
404.2External user could not be found
404.4Transaction group not found
404.5Transaction type not found