2004: Verify account

2004: Verify account

Activates an entity/account, when the contract specifies that all new entities must be verified before they can be used.

This endpoint is also used to complete entity updates which require verification, such as updating a mobile number for an SMS-verified entity.

Endpoint ID:2004




Rubiq entity ID that uniquely identifies an account to verify


External key that uniquely identifies an account to verify


Type of external key

Request body:

JSON data with code for verification.

   "code": "1234"

Response body:

Status codes:204

The entity was successfully verified


Request is valid but data validation failed

The following sub codes may be returned:


400.4Mobile number is not unique (the mobile number belongs to an active entity - this includes entities that have not yet been verified)
400.5Mobile number is not unique (the mobile number belongs to an inactive entity)



Verification code doesn’t match the code stored in the database


The entity was not found

The following sub codes may be returned:

404.1Entity not found
404.2External entity could not be found


The entity can not be verified, either because the entity does not require verification or because verification has already been performed.

The following sub codes may be returned:

501.2Entity does not need to be verified
501.3Entity has not been assigned a verification code