2300: Get preferences

2300: Get preferences

Fetch preference details

Endpoint ID:2300




preferenceIDOPTIONAL: A GUID string identifier for the preference
Request body:None

Response body:

JSON data containing an array of preferences. When a preferenceID has been given, this array will only contain a single element.

    "preferences": [
            "id": "7a6776a3-9411-4d34-9866-99aa9ac7cc27",
            "name": "Preference 1",
            "description": "This explains everything",
            "isActive": true,
            "labels": [
                    "language": "da",
                    "label": "Tekst",
                    "isDefault": true
                    "language": "en",
                    "label": "Text",
                    "isDefault": false
            "groups": [
/preferences/preference – No preferences exist
    "preferences": []

When a preferenceID parameter is included in the request, an empty preferences array will never be returned - either the requested preference object will be returned, or a 404 response.

Status codes:200OK

404Preference not found - only returned when a preferenceID parameter is included in the request