2106: Get entity permission acceptance status

2106: Get entity permission acceptance status

Fetch all permissions the entity has given

Endpoint ID:2106






Rubiq master ID that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-keyExternal key that uniquely identifies the entity

ext-typeType of external key

permissionIDA GUID string identifying a permission. If present, it will limit the status data to a specific permission. If omitted, status data for all permissions are returned.
Request body:None

Response body:

    "accepted": [
            "isActive": true,
            "isWithdrawn": false,
            "isExpired": false,
            "permissionID": "848a6fe7-89ea-45c0-827e-652c79e8ed34",
            "permissionName": "Some permission",
            "acceptance": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
                "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239"
            "terms": {
                "id": "98397963-8c93-4ba4-86ff-368e2dbaac32",
                "name": "Some terms",
                "version": "1.2"
            "isActive": true,
            "isWithdrawn": false,
            "isExpired": false,
            "permissionID": "ff11961d-8ae7-4508-aed7-867220a89668",
            "permissionName": "Another permission",
            "acceptance": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
                "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239"
    "withdrawn": [
            "isActive": false,
            "isWithdrawn": true,
            "isExpired": false,
            "permissionID": "ae11961d-8fe7-4508-aed7-867220a89668",
            "permissionName": "My very important permission",
            "acceptance": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
                "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239"
            "withdrawal": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
                "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239",
                "reason": "plain text explanation for withdrawal if supplied by user upon time of withdrawal"
    "expired": [
            "isActive": false,
            "isWithdrawn": false,
            "isExpired": true,
            "permissionID": "ae11961d-8fe7-4508-aed7-867220a89668",
            "permissionName": "My very important permission",
            "terms": {
                "id": "98397963-8c93-4ba4-86ff-368e2dbaac32",
                "name": "Some terms",
                "version": "1.0"
            "acceptance": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
                "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239"
            "expiry": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp"
    "declined": [
            "permissionID": "ae11961d-8fe7-4508-aed7-867220a89668",
            "permissionName": "My very important permission",
            "declined": {
                "timestamp": "utc timestamp",
                "sourceID": "26f2da92-c9ca-4a82-90f0-8a8a43534239"
            "terms": {
                "id": "98397963-8c93-4ba4-86ff-368e2dbaac32",
                "name": "Some terms",
                "version": "1.1"
Status codes:200OK


The entity or permission (if specified) were not found.

The following sub codes may be returned:

404.1Entity not found
404.2External entity reference could not be found
404.5Permission not found

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