Non-standard reporting of status
In some cases a client application may be unable to handle reporting of status using HTTP status codes. In this case, dialogportal™ is able to handle reporting of status to that specific application using JSON data in the response body. The client application must be configured for this in dialogportal™.
The returned data will look like this:
{ "status": { "statusCode": 200, "statusText": "OK" }, "data": { --> here goes JSON data that would normally be at root level in the response <-- } }
In all cases where the subsequent documentation does not specify a response body, it will always contain:
{ "status": { "statusCode": 200, "statusText": "OK" } }
The property “statusCode” in the JSON data, corresponds to the status code that the API would normally return as a HTTP status code. “statusText” is a textual explanation of the status code in English.
Instead of the normal HTTP status codes returned by the API, the API will solely return the following:
200 | Success |
401 | Bad signature: see Standard status codes for details. |
404 | End point not found |
500 | Server error |
Please note that if the signature is missing, or AppKey in the signature is incorrect, the error is reported by the API using standard status reporting.